FastGene PAGE Protein System

Complete PAGE protein analysis system

  • Complete set for PAGE protein analysis
  • Most flexible use for 1−4 (pre-cast or hand-cast) gels
  • Compatible with different pre-cast gels (Bio-Rad™, ThermoFisher, FastGene®)
  • Hand-cast gel set included (1 mm gels)
  • Easiest gel hand-casting − No leaking!
  • Glass plate holder and tube holder included
  • Additional 0.75 mm / 1.5 mm hand-cast sets available

Separately available FastGene® PAGE Protein System sets and components: Product GUIDE | FastGene PAGE System


Price on request

Cat. No. PG01 1 set


Powerful protein analysis via PAGE

PAGE stands for Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and describes an analytical method in biochemistry for the separation of differently sized protein mixtures in an electric field. During PAGE, proteins migrate through a gel matrix in response to an applied electic field. Smaller proteins travel faster through the gel than larger proteins, leading to a size dependent separation. The most popular form of PAGE is SDS-PAGE. The detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is added for PAGE sample preparation and is also part of the buffer composition. The treatment with the harsh detergent leads to full protein denaturation and unfolding. SDS binds to hydrophobic parts of the unfolded protein and masks the intrinsic charge of the protein with its own negative charge. As a consequence, SDS-protein complexes migration is predominantly dependent on the size of the protein, allowing an estimation of its molecular weight.

Complete set for PAGE protein separation

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System contains all the necessary equipment you need for PAGE protein analysis.
The electrophoresis tank can hold a maximum of 4 gels simultanously for electrophoretic protein separation.

Broad gel compatibility for highest flexibility

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System is compatible with a wide range of pre-cast gels (e.g., FastGene® gels, Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels or ThermoFisher mini gels).
It also runs hand-cast gels included in the PAGE Protein System Set (for casting 1 mm thick gels). Also available are FastGene® hand-cast gel sets for gel preparation with 0.75 mm or 1.5 mm gel thickness (product link).

For use of different gels, three different U sealings are included in the FastGene® PAGE Protein System:

  • U sealing strip long, for 10 cm x 10 cm gels (e.g., ThermoFisher mini gels)
  • U sealing strip short, for 10 cm x 8 cm gels (Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels and hand-cast gels)
  • U sealing strip FastGene®, for 10 cm x 8 cm gels (FastGene® gels)

Comfortable handling and setup

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System can easily be setup. Plastic dummy cassettes are included for flexible use with 1−4 gels.

FastGene PAGE Protein System - General setup (drawing)

Figure: General setup of the FastGene® PAGE Protein System (drawing).

Easiest gel hand-casting − No leaking!

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System includes a hand-cast set for casting 1 mm thick gels. The set alllows easiest gel hand-casting withour leaking!
Another gel-thickness is needed? No problem, 0.75 mm (PG02) and 1.5 mm (PG03) gel casting sets are separately available.FastGene PAGE Protein System - Gel Casting Base with Gel

Figure: Gel hand-casting setup − Gel casting base with glass spacer, gel casting clips and sealing gasket.

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Tutorial: How to setup the FastGene® PAGE Protein System

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Thumbnail for the FastGene PAGE Protein System tutorial video

Content and Accessories

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System (PG01) contains all the necessary eqipment for PAGE protein analysis and includes a hand-cast set for convenient gel casting.
Some content of PG01 is also separately available.

Content of FastGene® PAGE Protein System (PG01)
Component Image Description Quantity inluded Separately available as
Basic components
FastGene®  Inner electrophoresis chamber with electrodes FastGene PAGE Protein System - Inner electrophoresis chamber with electrodes (PG11) With 2 side clips for gel holder 1 PG11
FastGene® Inner electrophoresis chamber without electrodes FastGene PAGE Protein System - Inner electrophoresis chamber without electrodes (PG12) With 2 side clips for gel holder 1 PG12
FastGene® Gel/Blot chamber lid with electrodes FastGene PAGE Protein System - Chamber Lid with Electrodes And power cable 1 PG14
FastGene® Gel/Blot chamber tank FastGene PAGE Protein System - Chamber Tank (PSG05) 1 PG05
Plastic dummy cassette short FastGene PAGE Protein System - Plastic Dummy Cassette Short 10 cm x 8 cm 1 PG23
Plastic dummy cassette long FastGene PAGE Protein System - Plastic Dummy Cassette Long 10 cm x 10 cm 1 PG13
Sealing strips
U sealing strip long for 10 x 10 cm gels E.g., ThermoFisher mini gels 4 PG20
U sealing strip short for Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels 10 cm x 8 cm 4 PG18
U sealing strip FastGene® 10 cm x 8 cm 4 PG19
Gel hand-casting set components (1 mm gel thickness)
  Gel casting base FastGene PAGE Protein System - Gel Casting Base 4 PG21 (1 base) | 2 bases included in set PG06
Gel casting clip FastGene PAGE Protein System - Gel Casting Clip (closed) 4 PG22 (1 base) | 2 bases included in set PG06
Sealing gaskets FastGene PAGE Protein System - Sealing Gasket 5 PG07 | as included in set PG06
FastGene® Gel shovel FastGene PAGE Protein System - Gel Shovel 5 PG17 | as included in set PG06
Comb 1 mm 10 wells FastGene PAGE Protein System - Comb 10 mm wells 5 As included in set PG10
Comb 1 mm 15 wells FastGene PAGE Protein System - Comb 15 mm wells 5 As included in set PG10
Glass spacer long 1 mm 5 As included in set PG10
Glass plates short 10 PG04 | As included in set PG10
Glass plate holder FastGene PAGE Protein System - Glass Plate Holder Holding 14 glass plates 1 PG24
Tube holder FastGene PAGE Protein System - Tube Holder For 50 mL, 15 mL, 1.5 mL and PCR tubes 1 PG25


For more detailed information regarding the separately available sets and components, see:


Broad gel compatibility for highest flexibility
1) Pre-cast Gels

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System is compatible with a wide range of pre-cast gels, (e.g., Bio-Rad™, ThermoFisher mini gels, FastGene®)

For use of different gels, three different U sealings are included in the FastGene® PAGE Protein System:

  • U sealing strip long, for 10 cm x 10 cm gels (e.g., ThermoFisher mini gels | separately available as PG20)
  • U sealing strip short, for 10 cm x 8 cm gels (Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels and hand-cast gels | separately available as PG18)
  • U sealing strip FastGene®, for 10 cm x 8 cm gels (FastGene® gels | separately available as PG19)

Bio-Rad™ Precast Gels: Compatibility between Bio-Rad™ Mini-PROTEAN TGX Precast Gels and FastGene® PAGE Protein System

2) Hand-cast Gels

The FastGene® PAGE Protein System also runs hand-cast gels included in the PAGE Protein System Set (for casting 1 mm thick gels).
Also available are FastGene® hand-cast gel sets for gel preparation with 0.75 mm or 1.5 mm gel thickness.

Available hand-cast sets:

  • FastGene® Comb Set 075 (for 0.75 mm gels | PG02)
  • FastGene® Comb Set 100 (for 1 mm gels | PG10)
  • FastGene® Comb Set 150 (for 1.5 mm gels | PG03)
  • FastGene® Casting Stand Set (PG06)


Bio-Rad™ Handcast Gels: The FastGene® PAGE Protein System is compatible with the Bio-Rad™Mini PROTEAN Tetra Handcast Gels. For more detailed information regarding the compatibility of the single components, please the the following list:

Compatibility between FastGene® PAGE Protein System and Bio-Rad™ Mini-PROTEAN Tetra components


Contact us for more detailed information:




Manual – FastGene PAGE Protein System (PG01)


Flyer – PAGE Protein System (PG01)

Product Guide

Product GUIDE| FastGene® PAGE System
Overview of all separately available FastGene PAGE Protein System sets and components


Bio-Rad Handcast Gels: Compatibility between FastGene PAGE Protein System and Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra components

BioRad Precast Gels: Compatibility between Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN TGX Precast Gels and FastGene PAGE Protein System


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