FastGene Probe One Step Mix with UDG

One-Step Probe Mix with UDG for probe-based detection and quantification of RNA targets

  • Probe-based detection and quantification of RNA targets
  • 2-in-1 step Mix to save time & resources (learn more)
  • Ready-to-use Master Mix, just add primers, probes & RNA template
  • Includes chemically modified Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase for improved reaction specificity and room temperature setup
  • Includes UDG (Uracil-DNA-Glycosylase) for extra clean & accurate results (learn more)
  • Optimal for multiplex applications


Price on request

Cat. No. LS4801, LS4805


Reliable contamination prevention due to UDG

Set up your One Step Real-time PCR as usual! Our Mix takes care of the rest!

  • The ready-to-use 4x master mix FastGene® Probe One Step Mix with UDG contains the special DNA building block dUTP in a very specific ratio.
  • Before starting the PCR, UDG (Uracil-DNA-Glycosylase) cuts up any old DNA (containing Uracil) that sneaks in.
  • The UDG is easily inactivated by heat, preventing any further degradation of the DNA.
  • Only your intended template RNA gets copied, giving clean and accurate result.


Ease your workflow: 2-in-1 step mix
  • With the FastGene® Probe One Step Mix you can perform reverse transcription and PCR amplification in a single step.
    This means fewer chances for contamination and more consistent results.
  • Multiplexing applications can easily be performed!

2-in-1 step | Reverse transcription and PCR amplification

Reliable performance

The FastGene® Probe One Step Mix with UDG leads to high-quality results.

FastGene Probe One Step Mix with UDG | Comparative Data


Product applications

FastGene® Probe One Step Mix with UDG ideally suited for:

  • Fast quantification of RNA
  • Analysis of gene deletion
  • Pathogen identification
  • High-throughput SNP genotyping
  • Linkage analysis

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Manual | FastGene Probe One Step Mix with UDG | LS48#


MSDS | FastGene Probe One Step Mix with UDG | LS48#


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