FastGene UV Transilluminator

UV light transilluminator

UV table for fluorescent dye visualisation.

Price on request

Cat. No. FG-300


For the detection of DNA, stained with Ethidium Bromide, UV-Transilluminators are still widely used. The achievable sensitivity is strongly dependent on the quality of the UV lamps and of the filter material. High quality UV tables show almost no visible light. The quality of the UV light source and of the filter can easily be tested: UV light is invisible to the human eye.
When the instrument is switched on and the position of the UV lamps are easy to detect, too much of the long wavelenght light will be emitted and the result is a much lower sensitivity (see figure below).


The FastGene® UV Transilluminator passes this test without a problem.
Furthermore the FastGene® UV Transilluminator includes a specifically manufactured filter system and shows a very effective protection against harmful UV radiation (see figure below)



Size 288 x 340 x 80 mm
Viewing area 260 x 210 mm
Weight 4,3 kg
UV wave lenght 302 nm
UV lamps 6 x 8 Watt
Power 100-240 V
50-60 Hz
UV transmissibility 0,01 %


FG-300_FG UV Transilluminator_Manual_vers 2020


Can you change the UV lamp in the FG-300 and is it available from you?

The catalogue number of the UV lamp is FG-300BULB. In the manual of FG-300 it is described how to change the lamp.

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