FastGene FAS-X

The next generation of gel imaging system with Blue/Green LED light


  • Unbeatable performance – With any fluorescent dye
  • Safe BLUE/Green LED light to protect user and samples
  • All equipment included in one device
  • Brilliant image quality with any fluorescent dye
  • One light source for DNA, RNA & proteins
  • Just 3 simple taps on the touchscreen to get the perfect gel image
  • Password-protected data security
  • Made in Germany

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Cat. No. GP-FAS-X 1 piece


The new way of EXCELLENT gel documentation

FastGene® FAS-X combines:

  • modern design,
  • state-of-the-art technology using the safe Blue/Green LEDs as light source,
  • very user-friendly software,
  • high quality Made in Germany.

All In One – No additional equipment required

The FastGene® FAS-X is an impressive stand-alone system. Its elegant design and small footprint (only 40 cm) allow it to fit into any laboratory environment. No external computer is required.
Enhanced interaction via the 13.3” full HD touch screen provides a simple user experience, while large storage capacity (128 GB) and network compatibility improve data management and workflow efficiency.The transilluminator is integrated into a push-to-open loading drawer ensuring absolute darkness and the best image quality without light contamination.

Brilliant image quality
  • Equipped with a 20 MPixel colour camera, FastGene® FAS-X provides high resolution gel images and simplifies the process of selecting the area of interest on your gel.
  • The camera‘s scientific-grade 1 inch CMOS sensor offers a remarkable sensitivity, detecting nucleic acids at concentrations as low as 2 ng. This ensures that every detail is captured with precision for publication-quality images. Don‘t let any band go unnoticed!
  • The giant transilluminator with a viewing area of 26 cm x 21 cm ensures perfect illumination of all gel sizes, large gels as well as multiple gels.
  • The prefocused optical unit allows you to capture images without the need to refocus, saving you time and allowing you to capture images faster.

Not UV, not Blue LED, but Blue/Green LED! SAFE gel imaging to protect you and your samples

UV light is dangerous and destructive. Blue LEDs have poor sensitivity to many dyes. With the FAS-X, it is time to say goodbye to these problems! Our unique Blue/Green LED technology protects the user and will boost your results with incredible sensitivity.

  • The most important innovation is the implementation of the Blue/Green LED technology (learn more about the technology). No harmful UV-light is used, so there is no risk of UV light exposure!
  • Commonly used UV light poses risks not only to the user but also to the sample. Blue/Green LED technology works within the wavelengths of a light spectrum ranging from 470 nm to 520 nm. This range of light is in the visible spectrum and is not harmful to the user or the DNA sample, making the gel documentation process safer.
  • One light source for DNA, RNA and proteins! In addition to its remarkable safety, the integrated Blue/Green LED light effectively excites a wide range of common red (incl. EtBr) and green DNA dyes as well as fluorescent proteins with very high intensity. This is achieved by accumulating the light energy absorbed by the fluorophores (figure 1).

Figure 1: BLUE/GREEN LED LIGHT IMAGES: DNA gels stained with green (MIDORIGreen Xtra DNA stain) and red (GelRed® DNA stain) DNA/RNA dyes and a protein gel stained with fluorescent protein dye (SERVA Lighting Red protein stain).

Powerful white light
  • Documentation beyond fluorescent gels is possible with the additional white light. The filter wheel in the FAS-X offers the advantage of effortlessly switching between fluorescence (Blue/Green LED light) and the white light mode.

Figure 2: Lighting mode is easily changed using the touch screen buttons.

  • Together with the included white plate (figure 3), the white light mode can be used to visualize colourimetric PAGE protein gels with an impressive quality. In addition, high-resolution images of (colourimetric) western blot membranes or bacterial colony plates can be obtained in white light mode (figure 4).

Figure 3: FastGene® FAS-X with open drawer. Coomassie stained PAGE protein gel is placed on the white plate.

Figure 4: WHITE LIGHT IMAGES: a Coomassie stained PAGE protein gel, a colourimetric Western blot membrane and a bacterial colony plate.

Software makes it easy
  • The software has been designed to make operating the instrument and communicating with the camera as easy as possible.
  • The user-friendly interface is integrated into the touch screen and allows you to capture the best gel formations with a few simple clicks.
  • The software also includes a powerful editing function.

For more detailed information, please refer to the ‘Intuitive software‘ tab on this page.

Password-protected data security

In the constantly changing world of lab tech, safety and data security are top priorities. Equipped with multiple user login and robust password protection, the FAS-X empowers researchers to safeguard their work like never before!


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Intuitive software

The creation of a perfect gel image has never been easier! Direct communication between the software and the camera enables fast image capture and powerful live image editing.
The software ensures effortless operation of the instrument with an intuitive and user-friendly interface accessible via the large 13.3“ touch screen. This allows users to capture the finest gel images with just a few taps.


Only 3 taps to get the perfect gel image

The AUTO mode automatically optimises the image capture process for you. It allows users to obtain the finest gel images with just a few taps (Quick Guide (pdf | 794 kb) – 3 taps for perfect gel image with Auto mode and watch the video below (18 sec).

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FastGene FAS-X | Video: 3 tabs only for perfect gel images
  1. Turn on Blue/Green LED lamps
  2. Adjust the brightness
  3. Capture the image

FastGene FAS-X Gel Gel Documentation System | Intuitive Software

Customised fine-tuning gets you to the image you want

The PRO mode gives you full control over the image capture settings. You can fine-tune the brightness, zoom in and change the color scheme (color, monochrome and inverted colours) to get the image you want.


The functionality of PRO mode extends to multi-image recording with 3 or 5 images recoreded with different exposure times. This allows you to quickly select the perfect shot.

Secure data

User password protection ensures secure storage of your data, preventing unauthorised access to your valuable information.


Printer function

Images can be printed during live sample visualization or from the gallery after saving it. The supported printers are Sony UP-X898MD (view product) and Sony UP-D897.
Please note, the printer button will only be displayed when a printer is correctly connected to the FAS-X. For more information, please see ‘Print function’ section of the manual.


Are you interested in more detailed information on technical issues or the software?

Have a closer look


Camera sensor type Scientific-grade CMOS
Image resolution 20 MPixel (5472 px x 3648 px)
Color depth 8-Bit or 12-Bit
Image format JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP
Exposure time 13 µs to 10 sec
Material Coated aluminum
Access Soft close loading drawer
Filter Amber camera filter, amber goggles
Status LED Installed in the front
Dimensions (H x D x W) 53.2 cm x 44.3 cm x 37.5 cm
Weight 20 kg
Display | Software | Connections
Display 13” full HD glove compatible touchscreen
Display resolution 1920 px x 1080 px
Internal storage 128 GB
Connections LAN, 3x USB 3.0
Software FAS-X imaging software
Rated voltage 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz for the power adapter
Output 24 V, 6 A
Printer connection Supported printers: Sony UP-X898MD (view product) , Sony UP-D897 (For more information, please see ‘Print function’ section of the manual)
Light sources
Light sources Blue/Green LED transilluminator (built-in light),
White LED room light (integrated Epi white light)
White LED transilluminator (external white light plate, see accessories below)
Transilluminated area 26 cm x 21 cm
Blue/Green LED light 470-520 nm
External white light transilluminator Build-in battery or power supply via USB port,
Dimensions: 29 cm x 20 cm x 0.8 cm,
View area: 22 cm x 16 cm,
LEDs: Daylight LEDs, color temp.: 5000 K, CRI = 95,
Weight: 570 g
Amber goggle 1 piece
Power adapter 1 piece




Manual | FastGene FAS-X | GP-FAS-X

Quick Guide

Quick Guide | FastGene FAS-X | Image capture with Auto mode


Brochure | FastGene FAS-X | GP-FAS-X

Brochure | Gel Documentation Systems


Whitepaper | Blue/Green Technology – The future of gel documentation is now!

Product inquiry

Do you have any questions about the product? Please contact us!


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