Gel imaging box

  • For DNA/RNA gels and protein gels
  • Gel documentation with safe Blue/Green LED light
  • Detection of all common red and green DNA dyes
  • Documentation of protein gels, membranes and petri dishes with additional white light
  • Very compact footprint (230 mm x 210 mm)
  • High resolution CMOS camera (8 MPixel)
  • New features: integrated touchscreen, HDMI port

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Cat. No. GP-04LED


Compact imaging System with Blue/Green LED

The FastGene® FAS-BG LED BOX comes with the advantages of the Blue/Green LED technology combined with a compact footprint. The powerful stand alone device fits in every lab space. All red and green DNA dyes are easily detectable with this system.

In addition to the Blue/Green LED light, the FastGene® FAS-BG LED BOX also includes Epi White LED light for petri dishes and membranes and white back light for easy detection of protein gels.


The FastGene® FAS-BG LED BOX is the new version of the imaging box formerly known as  FastGene® Blue/Green GelPic LED BOX from 2015.

New features:

  • Integrated touchscreen for easiest handling
  • HDMI port for convenient connection to an external monitor

FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX, touch screen display

The large touch screen display and inbuild software allows easy navigation and image capturing.

One imaging system – multiple applications
  • The Blue/Green LED technology permits the detection of DNA with highest sensitivity and without harming your eyes, skin or your sample.



  • With the white LED array you can image colorimetric protein gels stained with coomassie or silver staining.
    The white LED light transilluminator of the the FAS-BG LED BOX is located in the upper lid of the device. It allows efficient illumination of transparent protein gels, colorimetrically stained, e.g., with “Coomassie blue”.

  • The white LED epi-illumination allows the documentation of opaque surfaces such as petri dishes or membranes.

FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX (GP-04LED) open with white light

Excise your DNA fragments the easy way

The FastGene® FAS-BG LED BOX comes with an amber filter shield that can be fastened on the upper lid.
The amber filter shield filters out the Blue/Green LED excitation wavelengths and allows a clear visualization of DNA bands.

FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX (GP-04LED) with amber shield

Easy connection to an external (touch) monitor

The FastGene® FAS-BG LED BOX contains two USB-ports (one front, one back) and an HDMI-port.
You can easily connect an external (touch) monitor via the HDMI-port and view your gel images on a larger screen.
The device also supports the connection of a thermal printer via USB (Sony UP-D897 MD and Sony UP-D898 MD).



Get great signal with red or green DNA dyes

The new LED technology enables the detection of DNA from red as well as green DNA dyes. Below are images taken with the FastGene® FAS-BG LED Box. For comparison reasons, the 1.5% agarose gels made with TAE Buffer were stained with Ethidium Bromide or with Midori Green Advance recommended concentrations and loaded with 5 µL DNA Ladder. Additionally, the 5 µL DNA ladder was stained using Midori Green Direct and added to an unstained gel:

Gel stained with Midori Green Advance:

FAS-BG LED BOX - Gel stained with Midori Green Advance

Gel stained with Ethidium bromide:

FAS-BG LED BOX - Gel stained with EtBr

Gel stained with Midori Green Direct:

FAS-BG LED BOX - Gel stained Midori Green Direct

Documentation of petri dishes, protein gels and Western Blot images
  • Colorimetric protein gels can be visualized with white LED light.
  • The white epi light is used fo the document opaque surfaces such as Petri dishes or membranes

FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX (GP-04LED) multiple applications


Image capture
Camera  8 Mega Pixel camera
Image format TIFF, JPEG and PNG
Exposure time 0.2 – 2 sec, 21 exposure steps
Light scources
Light sources
  • Blue/Green LED transilluminator
  • Epi White Light
  • White LED light transilluminator
Transilluminated area 160 mm x 115 mm
Display / Software / Connections
Display 5” color LCD touch panel
Software Inbuilt control software
  • USB 2.0 port (1x front, 1x back)
  • 1x HDMI port
  • Thermal printer support
General information
Power 12V, 4.16 A
Dimensions (H x D x W) 230 mm x 254 mm x 207 mm
Gel tools Amber field shield
Weight 3.2 kg



Manual FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX (GP-04LED)


Flyer FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX (GP-04LED)


Brochure – Gel Documentation Systems


Can the system be connected to an external screen or external touch screen?

Yes, the FAS-BG LED BOX contains two USB-ports (one front, one back) and an HDMI-port. You can connect an external monitor via the HDMI-port or an external touch monitor via the HDMI-port and USB-port and view your gel images on a larger screen.

Can the system be connected to a printer?

Yes, an external printer can be connected to the FAS-BG LED BOX via USB.

4 reviews for FastGene FAS-BG LED BOX

  1. Thorben Detering, Institut für Lebensmittelchemie, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    Die GelPic Box* wird von uns seit etwa vier Monaten als Hauptgerät für die Detektion von DNA-Banden in Agarose-Gelen verwendet. Die Box punktet trotz der leichten Bedienbarkeit und der kompakten Bauweise mit hochqualitativen Bildern. Um den USB-Speicher im Netzwerk zugänglich zu machen, benutzen wir einen USB-Switch, der per Knopfdruck den Stick mit einem benachbarten PC verbindet.
    Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der blau-grünen LED-Technik und haben unsere gesamten UV-Geräte im Sinne des Proben- und Arbeitsschutzes ersetzt.
    * das Vorgängermodell der FAS-BG LED BOX

    Translation by Nippon Genetics:

    We use the GelPic Box* already four months as the main device for the detection of DNA bands in agarose gels. The GelPic Box have a compact design, is easy to use and make images with a high quality. In order to make the USB memory accessible in the network, we use a USB switch that connects the stick to a neighboring PC. We are very satisfied with the blue-green LED technology and have replaced our entire UV devices to protect our samples and colleagues.
    * the former version of the FAS-BG LED BOX

    Verified User

  2. Dr. Sturm, Applied Biosciences, KIT

    We use the box in our student courses. Easy handling, minimum space requirement and fast USB storage make it a very useful tool. Image quality is good for Midori/EtBr stained gels as well as for acrylamide gels and blots.

    Verified User

  3. C. Münch, IBC2, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.

    Wir verwenden die Blau/Grün GelPic LED Box* seit einem halben Jahr und sind bisher sehr zufrieden. Unsere Hauptanwendung ist die Untersuchung von DNA in Agarosegelen (ohne Ethidiumbromid), was die Box sehr gut meistert. Die Box ist klein, einfach zu handhaben, und fertigt, ohne Verwendung von schädlicher UV-Strahlung, Bilder guter Qualität an.
    * das Vorgängermodell der FAS-BG LED BOX

    Translated by Nippon Genetics:

    We use the Blue/Green GelPic LED Box* for half a year and are so far very satisfied. Our main application is the study of DNA in agarose gels (without ethidium bromide), which is performed very well by the box. The box is small, easy to handle and produces high quality images without using harmful UV radiation.
    * the former version of the FAS-BG LED BOX

    Verified User

  4. Dr. Dorothee Kiefer, Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Mikrobiologie

    Wir benutzen die Box schon seit einem Jahr und sind absolut zufrieden mit der sehr leichten Bedienbarkeit und der Performance. Die Empfindlichkeit bei Ethidiumbromid-gefärbten DNA-Agarosegelen steht der mit einem herkömmlichen UV-Tisch in nichts nach. Die Box ist extrem kompakt und ganz leicht zu transportieren. Wir benutzen sie täglich sowohl im Praktikum mit den Studierenden (hier ist es besonders günstig, dass man ohne schädigende UV.Strahlung arbeiten und die Daten direkt auf einem USB-Stick abspeichern kann) als auch im Laboralltag. Wir haben alle alten UV-Tische “ausgemustert” und durch FastGene LED-Boxen ersetzt. Absolut empfehlenswert!

    Translated by Nippon Genetics:

    We use the Blue/Green GelPic LED Box* since one year and are totally satisfied with the very easy handling and the performance. The sensitivity of DNA agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide is as great as with a common UV table. The box is extremely compact and very easy to transport. We use it every day in student courses (at this point it is in particular advantageous that it is possible to work without harmful UV radiation and that the data can be directly saved on a USB stick) as well as in daily laboratory work. We replaced all old UV tables by FastGene LED boxes. Absolutely recommended!
    * the former version of the FAS-BG LED BOX

    Verified User

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