MIDORI Green Easy

Safe DNA/RNA stain

  • Excellent signal quality
  • Safe DNA dye for in-gel staining and post staining
  • Safe alternative to ethidium bromide: Non-carcinogenic and non-toxic
  • Optimal for Blue/Green LED and Blue LED light
  • Identical protocol to SYBR® Safe (easy switch from SYBR® Safe)
  • Vial of 0.4 mL: 10,000 x, for staining 4 L of agarose
  • Unbeatable price
Price on request

Cat. No. MG12 0.4 mL


MIDORIGreen Easy – Non-carcinogenic DNA stain of the latest generation – Ultra-sensitive for LED illumination
  • MIDORIGreen Easy is the new member of the MIDORIGreen family and a highly sensitive green fluorescent stain for a safe visualization of DNA and RNA in agarose gels.
  • MIDORIGreen Easy (MG12) comes in a volume of 0.4 mL and a concentration of 10,000 x (for staining 4 L of agarose).
  • This DNA stain is a safe and better alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide (EtBr).
  • Remarkably, agarose gels stained with MIDORIGreen Easy have a very low background fluorescence, which makes the identification of low amounts of DNA very easy.
Excellent signal quality

We developed MIDORIGreen Easy to have the same excellent signal quality and low background as MIDORIGreen Xtra. It is also unbeatable with visible excitation light and shows the best results with our Blue/Green LED technology. The bands show outstanding sharpness and sensitivity. MIDORIGreen Easy was designed to make the switch from SYBR® Safe as convenient as possible for you and get your DNA signals to the next level. If you are convinced by the quality of our MIDORIGreen Easy you can also try the more concentrated MIDORIGreen Xtra and adapt your staining protocol accordingly.

MIDORI Green and MIDORI Easy - comparison of sensitivity

Figure 1: MIDORIGreen Easy shows the same ultra-sensitive and sharp DNA bands as MIDORIGreen Xtra when using Blue/Green LED excitation light. 

Safe alternative to ethidiumbromide

MIDORIGreen  Easy delivers even better DNA/RNA signals than ethidium bromide. However, this innovative DNA stain is non-carcinogenic, non-mutagenic and non-toxic and therefore not harmful for your health. Independent laboratories confirmed its safety: Both the mutagenicity test (ames test) and the cytotoxicity test were negative.

Easy switch from SYBR® Safe

MIDORIGreen Easy enables an effortless switch from using SYBR® Safe to stain agarose gels. MIDORIGreen Easy has exactly the same dye concentration (10,000 x) and tube volume (0.4 mL) as SYBR® Safe (sufficient for 4 L agarose) – for less than half the price.

The performance of MIDORIGreen Easy and SYBR Safe is the same, depart from the difference that heating of the DNA stain is recommended for SYBR Safe but MIDORIGreen Easy should be added to the agarose after heating.

MIDORI Green Easy (MG12) - product comparison with SYBR Safe

Figure 2: Similar results where shown when using MIDORIGreen Easy and SYBR Safe with three different DNA markers (MWD50, MWD100 and MWD1P).
The procedures were performed according to the related product’s protocol (A and B) and differing from the related product’s protocol (C and D).

5 µL SYBR Safe or 5 µL MIDORIGreen Easy were added to 50 mL agarose-TAE (1.5% agarose-TAE, 100 V, ~ 30 min).
DNA Marker: MWD50 (FastGene® 50 bp DNA Marker), MWD100 (FastGene® 100 bp DNA Marker), MWD1P (FastGene® 1 kb bp DNA Marker Plus)

MIDORI Green Easy (MG12) - product comparison with SYBR Safe - dilution series

Figure 3: Similar results where shown when using MIDORIGreen Easy and SYBR Safe for a DNA dilution series (50-500 ng).
The procedures were performed according to the related product’s protocol (A and B) and differing from the related product’s protocol (C and D).
5 µL SYBR Safe or 5 µL MIDORIGreen Easy were added to 50 mL agarose-TAE (1.5% agarose-TAE, 100 V, ~ 30 min).
DNA Marker: MWD1P (FastGene® 1 kb bp DNA Marker Plus)


MIDORIGreen Easy is optimized for Blue/Green and Blue LED light, leading to unbeatable fluorescence signals of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. MIDORIGreen Easy is suitable for In-Gel and Poststaining.

MIDORIGreen DNA Dye Blue/Green LED Blue LED UV-Light In-Gel Poststaining Direct
Advance (MG04) Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Not Compatible
Direct (MG06) Compatible Compatible Not Recommended Not Compatible Not Compatible Compatible
Xtra (MG10) Compatible Compatible Not Recommended Compatible Compatible Not Compatible
Easy (MG12) Compatible Compatible Not Recommended Compatible Compatible Not Compatible


Compatible Compatible

Not Recommended Compatible, but not recommended

Not Compatible Not compatible

Free sample

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Manuel | MIDORI Green Easy (MG12)

Product Flyer

Flyer | MIDORI Green Safe DNA Stain

Safety Report

Safety Report | MIDORI Green Easy


MSDS | MIDORI Green Easy (MG12)


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