MIDORI Green Xtra TAE Agarose Tablets

Agarose tablets with DNA stain

  • Agarose Tablets with integrated DNA stain MIDORI Green Xtra and TAE buffer
  • Tablet format – no weighing equipment required
  • Very stable at room temperature if protected from light
  • Only pure water is needed
  • Fast dissolving protocol of the tablet
  • MIDORIGreen Xtra is a non-carcinogenic alternative to ethidium bromide
  • Environmental safety – all working solution can be disposed in regular laboratory waste
Price on request

Cat. No. AG13 100 tablets


MIDORI Green Xtra TAE Agarose Tablets – safe, clean and fast

Workflow of the MIDORI Green Advance Agarose Tablets

The MIDORI Green Xtra TAE Agarose Tablets are a clean and fast solution for preparing agarose gels without time-consuming weighing. These tablets already contain the ultra-sensitive DNA stain MIDORI Green Xtra for the safe detection of nucleic acids.

Very fast preparation of agarose gels – DNA stain is already included

Producing an agarose gel is easier than ever before with the MIDORIGreen Xtra TAE Agarose Tablets: Just dissolve the Agarose Tablet in pure water, heat up and pour the gel. MIDORIGreen Xtra is already included in the tablet, eliminating the need to add an additional DNA stain.

MIDORIG Green Xtra is a safe alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide. It is a non-carcinogenic and less mutagenic stain for detecting dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA in agarose gels with a very high sensitivity.

Gel % 1 tablet 2 tablets 3 tablets
1.00% 32.5 mL water 65.0 mL water 97.5 mL
1.50% 21.5 mL water 43.0 mL water 64.5 mL
2.00% 16.25 mL water 32.5 mL water 48.75 mL
Ultra-sensitive DNA signals and low background – Just a perfect signal

MIDORI Green Xtra is a new highly sensitive green fluorescent stain for a safe visualization of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. This DNA stain is a safe and better alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide (EtBr). Remarkably, agarose gels stained with MIDORI Green Xtra have a very low background fluorescence, which makes the identification of low amounts of DNA very easy. MIDORI Green Xtra is optimized for Blue/Green and Blue LED light, leading to unbeatable fluorescence signals of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. However, you can also use UV light for the detection of DNA.

Detektion von DNA mittels des DNA-Farbstoffs MIDORI Green Xtra



Manual | MIDORI Green Xtra TAE Agarose Tablets | AG13


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