Bambanker hRM

Serum-free cryopreservation media for ES and iPS cells

  • Optimal for the cryopreservation of primate ES and iPS cells
  • Made with human serum albumin – No other animal components
  • Enables long term cell storage at -80°C or -196°C
  • Improved cell recovery and viability after thawing
  • Ready-to-use freezing media – no programmed or sequential freezing required
  • Serum-free – no risk of contamination
  • GMP manufactured
  • Long shelf life


Price on request

Cat. No. BBH01, BBH04


A new hope for the cryopreservation of ES and iPS cells

Primate embryonic stem cells and induced-pluripotent stem cells are extremely sensitive to cryopreservation which presents many difficulties when compared to murine or other cells. At present, the vitrification method is considered adequate for primate ES/iPS cells although the slow-freezing method using DMSO has been popular for a wide variety of cell lines. Vitrification is the rapid cooling of the freezing media to a glass-like crystalline state. The vitrification method requires impeccable timing, a high level of skill, and still can yield poor results. In addition, this method shows sensitivity to dry ice transportation. To address these problems, the new freezing medium BambankerTM HRM has been developed.

What makes BambankerTM HRM so special?

The Cell freezing media BambankerTM HRM contains no bovine serum albumin, which can sometimes lead to cell differentiation. Furthermore, there are no animal-derived material which improve storage and survivability of primate ES/iPS cells while greatly simplifying the protocol.

Cell freezing without Serum!

All BambankerTM products are produced with no serum. Cryopreservation media which contain sera have the disadvantage of fluctuations in recovery rates and undefined composition. Reproducibility of experiments with cells which were frozen in a serum-containing-medium, could be affected by lot-to-lot variation of the serum since the composition and concentration of proteins and other biological molecules varies with each batch of serum. This may result in issues when thawing and using cells from such serum-containing media. Breathe easy, as every ingredient of BambankerTM is precisely defined so that you can be confident that cells stored at different times will all behave and recover similarly.


There a four different versions of Bambanker™.

  • All Bambanker™ types are free of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and have a defined and constant composition.
  • They also do not contain antibiotic or antifungal ingredients.

The four different types of Bambanker™ are recommended depending on your specific needs:

BB03-Bambanker- 20mL Bambanker™ (standard for all cell lines, package units: 20 mL, 5 x 20 mL, 100 mL)
Please note that the 120 mL bottle size (BB01) is no longer available and has been replaced by the new 100 mL bottle size (BB05).
Bambanker™ Direct (for hybridoma cells, package unit: 20 mL)
Bambanker™ hRM (for ES and iPS cells, package units: 20 mL, 100 mL)
Please note that the 120 mL bottle size (BBH03) is no longer available and has been replaced by the new 100 mL bottle size (BBH04).



Customer Product Feedback

Comparison of the cryopreservation efficiency for human iPS cells

Human iPSC 201B7 cells were cryopreserved in BambankerTM HRM, in a conventional vitrification medium or in a 10% DMSO/culture medium. After 3 days, the cells were thawed, according to protocol, and then plated. In case of 10% DMSO containing medium only small colonies could be recovered what suggests a small survival rate, while with BambankerTM HRM it was possible to recover large colonies with almost the same size as achieved with vitrification freezing preservation solution. These results indicate that the same storage efficiency can be achieved with BambankerTM HRM as with the vitrification preservation solution with the additional advantage of an easier handling.

Data kindly provided by US corporation Hasumi International Research Foundation, Tokyo Research Center, Japan.


Comparison of cryopreservation efficiency for the common marmoset fibroblast cells intended for the iPS cell induction

Storage efficiency of BambankerTM and two other commercial preservative solutions (supplier T, supplier S) for fibroblasts from common Marmoset was compared. Fibroblast were cultured in a 6 cm petri dish until a confluency of 90-100%. The cells were frozen for two months at -80°C.

24 and 48 h after thawing photomicrographs were taken for every preservation solution. The percentage of dead cells was determined. The highest survival rate was achieved with BambankerTM HRM, followed by Supplier Ts storage solution. Supplier Ss storage solution achieved the lowest survival rate. Only the cells which were stored with BambankerTM HRM showed a sufficient number so that they could be directly used for iPS cell induction.

Data kindly provided by Primate Research Institute, University Kyoto, Molecular Physiological Research Department

GMP quality

All products of the Bambanker series are manufactured in facilities compliant with current good manufacturing practices (GMP).

The products are subject to a solid quality management system that ensures the consistency, reliability and high quality you can rely on.


Manufacturer’s notification for Bambanker as GMP-manufactured product (pdf file)



Manual | Bambanker hRM (BBH0#)


Flyer | Bambanker Freezing Media


MSDS | Bambanker hRM (BBH0#)

Application Notes

Application Note | Bambanker Cell Freezing Media | Overview of cell lines

Applcation Note | Improvement of cryopreservation efficiency of human leukemia cell line

Application Note | Comparison of cryopreservation efficiency for the common marmoset fibroblast cells intended for the iPS cell induction

Application Note | Comparison of cryopreservation efficiency on human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines

Application Note | Serum-free cell cryopreservation solution for regenerative medicine research

Application Note | Comparison of the cryopreservation efficency for human iPS cells

Reference Notes

Reference Note | Bambanker hRM – The best cryopreservation medium for corneal endothelial cells

Bambanker hRM – Freezing spheroidized cells with Bambanker hRM

Product inquiry

Do you have any questions about the product? Please contact us!

6 reviews for Bambanker hRM

  1. CeMM

    We are using the Bambanker HRM for freezing human iPSCs. The product works well for our cells, we have good viability and fast recovery after thawing them (we store them frozen in liquid nitrogen).

    Verified User

  2. Stanford University

    Bambanker HRM is a excellent product. We used for all our stem cell applications in our laboratory and for freezing sensitive cell lines. Viability and recovery in Bambanker HRM is >90% and the best part is that it is direct freeze reagent in -80C.

    Verified User

  3. Dr. Hsu, Boston Childrens Hospital/Harvard

    We use Bambanker HRM​ as it gives us a relatively complete preservation of the cellular components from clinical samples [human peripheral blood], and maintain the cell viability relatively well through freeze/thaw. Thus allowing us to store and perform assays on previously collected samples with minimal loss of cell count and viability

    Verified User

  4. Wang Lab, Stanford University

    Extremely easy-to-use product. Quick and efficient freezing medium validated in iPSCs. Conventional thawing methods (post-freezing with Bambanker) result in high yield of viable cells.

    Verified User

  5. Researcher at the Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, USA

    “We use Bambanker HRM in our lab and we have been very happy with it. We have human induced pluripotent stem cells that we work with which have come from “diseased” individuals. These cells don’t come out of freeze thaw very well. We have only been able to get them to survive by using Bambanker. It has been essential for us.”

    Verified User

  6. Christian, PHD; University Medicine Rostock

    For the last 2 years Bambanker™ HRM has been extensively used in our lab to cryoconserve human induced pluripotent cells. We wanted to stay in a xeno-free environment. Hence, Bambanker™ HRM was the best choice.

    Translation by Nippon Genetics:

    Seit zwei Jahren nutzen wir Bambanker™ HRM ausbiebig in unserem Labor um humane induzierte pluripotente Zellen zu konservieren. Wir wollten ein xeno-freies Umfeld beibehalten. Bambanker™ HRM war dafür die beste Wahl.

    Verified User

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