The Revolution for Nucleic Acid Gel Documentation – ‘Made in Germany’
The FastGene® FAS-DIGI PRO is our newest imaging system for the detection of DNA and RNA in agarose gels.
The unique Blue/Green LED technology, together with a very easy to use software and a top camera, enables agarose gel documentation of highest quality.
The FastGene® FAS-DIGI PRO is a fully networkable Gel Doc System, which enables simple transfer of images when connected to an external PC.
Blue/Green LED Technology – for a safe detection of DNA and RNA
The heart of the FAS-DIGI PRO is the revolutionary Blue/Green LED technology.
The FAS-DIGI PRO is composed of a strong Blue/Green LED transilluminator that emits visible light at a wavelength of 470 – 520 nm. In contrast to harmful UV light, no nucleic acids are damaged with Blue/Green LEDs. The Blue/Green LED technology enables the detection of all common green (e.g., MIDORIGreen, SYBRTM Green)), yellow (e.g., SYBRTM Safe) and red (e.g., ethidium bromide or GelRedTM) DNA dyes.
The transilluminators
The hood of the FAS-DIGI PRO can be easily removed. This allows a very easy excision of DNA bands on the huge Blue/Green LED illuminated work surface of 21 cm x 26 cm. A superb uniform transillumination is guaranteed by 12 LED arrays at each side.
The detection of protein is possible due to the additionally included white LED table which comes with an integrated battery.
The camera
The very light-sensitive Canon camera has a very large APS-C CMOS sensor.
The camera is connected directly to the power supply system of the FAS-DIGI PRO and is thus constantly supplied with power.
The imaging software
The FAS-DIGI PRO is delivered together with the intuitive NIPPON Genetics Camera Studio software. This software enables the optimization of all important camera settings (aperture, exposure time, zoom and focus) in real time.
Dr. Karin Hage-Ahmed Universität für Bodenkultur Wien/University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften/Department of Crop Sciences Institut für Pflanzenschutz/Institute of Plant Protection –
Für unsere phytopathologischen Fragestellungen haben wir ein möglichst einfaches aber auch sehr funktionales Geldokumentationssystem gesucht. Das FastGene FAS Digi Pro System konnte uns sowohl durch den einfachen und modularen Geräteaufbau als auch durch die sehr intuitive Kamerasoftware, die eine schnelle Optimierung der Aufnahmeparameter erlaubt, überzeugen. Durch die gegebene Netzwerksfähigkeit können die erstellten Bilder auch sehr einfach in unsere Netzlaufwerke übertragen werden. Zusätzlich hat uns auch die Blue/Green LED Licht Technologie überzeugt, die es uns nun ermöglicht grüne DNA-Farbstoffe (und andere) zu detektieren ohne dabei Nukleinsäure schädigendes UV-Licht zu verwenden.
Translated by NIPPON Genetics EUROPE:
Dr. Karin Hage-Ahmed, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Department of Crop Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection
For our phytopathological questions, we were looking for a gel documentation system that was as simple as possible but also very functional. The FastGene FAS-DIGI PRO system impressed us with both, its simple and modular device design and its very intuitive camera software, which allows the recording parameters to be quickly optimized. Thanks to the network capability the created images can also be easily transferred to our network drives. We were also impressed by the Blue/Green LED light technology, which now enables us to detect green DNA dyes (and others) without using UV light that damages nucleic acids.
Verified User
Dr. Stefano Pepe, TIGEM, Italy –
This Gel Doc equipment is really user friendly and the quality/price rate is really fair compared to the historic system like Bio-Rad, etc. You don’t need laptop or desktop to check and download your images… an app by Canon is enough. The Blue light is really powerful and avoids all the problems linked to UV lamp. A solid and less expensive alternative to the competitors.
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